There was a time in the 2000’s when RTOs could count on changes to the Standards for RTOs every couple of years. The last 8 years has seen very little change in the structure or content of the Standards for RTOs, so the time that is now being taken to review and refine the reforms to the Standards is very much welcomed by many within the VET sector.
The goal for RTOs, is the need to capture the expectation of regulators in maintaining compliance with the new standards and achieving the expected outcomes. The focus of Audit Answers is to support RTOs to realise that goal through our cloud based RTO Management software.
Current progress
The Department for Education and Workplace Relations (DEWR) have now established draft standards and have recently released further information regarding their planned piloting of the standards.
‘Draft revised Standards have been developed and finalised for piloting based on feedback from the sector, along with analysis of other sectors, expert reviews, and research. The draft revised Standards propose significant changes to the structure and content of the Standards, providing a clearer and more direct link between the requirements RTOs are expected to meet and the outcomes they are expected to deliver.’ (DEWR 2023)
The Piloting of the standards will be conducted by DEWR & ASQA working with a selected group of RTOs participating in the piloting exercise along with focus groups .The Training Accreditation Council (WA) is also undertaking a Pilot that includes a call for an expression of interest, workshop, and feedback on the Standards.
‘Piloting activities are designed to ensure that the draft revised Standards:
- enable RTOs of different types, sizes and focus to demonstrate compliance in different ways,
- allow for sufficient flexibility to enable excellence and innovation, and
- enable regulators to effectively identify risk and differentiate providers.’ (DEWR 2023)
DEWR will also be running an online survey to seek input on how RTOs would demonstrate compliance with the draft revised Standards relevant to their operational context. Please refer to the following link.
What is the proposed timeline for implementation?
As a business committed to client service, Audit Answers is already working toward the required upgrade for current users and future subscribers, and will provide a pathway to implement the new standards that will minimise disruption to our clients current operations.
‘Pilot outcomes will be published on the Department’s website. Following the pilot process, refinements will be made to the draft revised Standards to ensure they are fit-for-purpose and meet the needs of the sector prior to agreement being sought from Skills Ministers on the final version early in 2024. It is anticipated that the finalised Standards will be released in early to mid-2024.
The outcomes of the pilot will also inform the development of guidance materials and regulatory policies, practices and tools. A body of work will be undertaken to enable the revised Standards to take effect from January 2025 and support the sector to transition to the revised Standard’ (DEWR 2023)
For Access to the full DEWR article please refer to the following link.